Ready to level up your business growth?

Book a Free Consultation

We’re your North Shore based marketing partner. Let’s work together to grow your business with strategic and savvy marketing.


Over 20 years of successful experience with profitable marketing.

Here’s How We Help

We start by getting to know you and your business.

Call us old-fashioned but, to us, there’s no other way. We call this the ‘discovery’ stage, where we get to understand your business objectives, profit drivers, target customers and current performance.
digital agency
marketing agency auckland

Next, we get cracking and craft a plan to grow your bottom line.

Once we understand your growth ambitions, we put our global best practice technologies and years of business and marketing experience to work, to understand your target customers’ journeys and design a customised marketing strategy to grow your business.

Then, we present our findings.

The next step is to present our recommendations to you. This usually happens around a week after our consultation. If we believe we can help you scale your business and grow your profits, we will tell you how. But, if for any reason we don’t think we’re the right fit, we’ll tell you honestly what we think you’re better off doing for growth.

You will receive:

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Recommendations
  • Profitability Analysis
  • Complimentary SEO Report
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Google Adwords Grader

*All included as part of our “Free Marketing Consultation Offer”.

Why Grow NZ Marketing?

We are powered by global best-practice technology and a group of outstanding marketers. Together we have well over 100 years of business and agency marketing experience and have delivered successful marketing strategies for hundreds of businesses, big and small.

More than just marketing.

Unlike a lot of marketing agencies, we understand customers, cash flow and profit drivers, as well as sales and marketing. We are businesspeople who understand customer journeys and can leverage our marketing expertise to deliver business growth.

We want you to win.

We believe that healthy, growing businesses are good for New Zealand, providing employment opportunities and a better standard of living for all Kiwis.

The trick is knowing how to invest your marketing dollars to generate profitable returns today and in the future. We aren’t hung up on Google, Facebook, Bing, TV, Radio, Press, YouTube or Instagram, we are hung up on where your untapped profitable customers are, how they behave and how we can get you in front them.

We’ll build on your asset.

We believe every dollar you spend on marketing today can build your brand into an asset for the future.

A programme crafted by us will not only increase your sales and profits this year, it’ll build your brand equity and customer relationships well into the future too.

north shore marketing agency

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